What Is Truth?

Good Question, huh. Seems strange looking back, but we have reached a point that no one knows what truth actually is any more. No one seems to care either, anyone can believe anything they want, as long as it does not include Jesus. And all we want now is to get back to where we were before Covid, wherever that was and never mind the truth, it will all sort itself out somehow, in this new year 2021 just started.


Covid Statistics

It would be really helpful in dismissing Covid and vaccine myths if the statistics were presented differently. How many people are there particularly vulnerable to Covid through pre-existing conditions who have not had the disease AND not been vaccinated. If instead of presenting a simple percentage of new infections, there were to be a percentage of pre-existing conditions, it would then be easier to see what the actual risks are and where to target efforts to encourage vaccinations in target populations. We seem fairly confident of the numbers over age 65 but those with pre-existing conditions under age 65 numbered in the millions before Covid, about whom no statistics have been published.



Hot off the press. Just published my poetry on Amazon Kindle, just look up my name, Peter Crowson in the search window, or search by the title.  The World Through Poet's Eyes only $2.99 each.



I saw a TV program on African wild dogs recently, in which the pack was hunting amongst a herd of gazelle, and out of the blue it reminded me of a song I knew from almost sixty years ago. I had the words echoing in my mind ‘….and all creation’s straining on tiptoe just to see the sons of God come into their own’, based on Romans 8:19–22:

I started thinking about this and about how grieved the Almighty must be because of the way His beautiful creation is deteriorating in these latter days where wild dogs endlessly chase gazelle in a predator- victim dance-macabre of futility. That in turn led me to see the human predator stalking his human victim-enemy through ruins of civilization where home and peace are destroyed by bombs, shells, guns and violence with the same slavish devotion to futility.

Lives without Christ, without hope, futile in their meaningless violence, like those bomb victims in Afghanistan, and again I thank Him for the hope He brings us of a better future in this sorrowful valley of the shadow of death. My hope and my prayer is not a general, non-specific, hope-against-hope wish for something better to somehow emerge out of the whole mess. That is nothing but wishful thinking, while I have something better; the hope of my personal resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:19 says ‘If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.’ So if you feel that all this stuff we are experiencing (covid, infections, shots,masks toxic air, fires, burned homes, hurricane, flooding, earthquake in Haiti, Taliban,ISIS, chaos in Afghanistan, you name it) is hopeless, reject that thought as a lie with a ‘smell of sulfur’ about it, and persevere a little longer. The descent of fallen humankind into predator and prey is an illusion brought on by believing that death is all that there is at the end of this life: IT IS NOT TRUE! The lesson we can learn from Jesus is that when we, like Him, surrender our lives, each one of us, we gain what we cannot loose. We give up our lives not as prey to a predator, but a willing offering of that which we do not desire to keep, as Matthew's gospel wrote it, he who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for Jesus’ sake will find it is not really lost at all’.



 Guess What!  I wrote about Collective Bad Choices last year, and, well its happened - another bad choice  A third ( or perhaps up to half) of the Chicago police are ready quit rather than take a Covid vaccination under threat of dismissal, and the mayor says it is not having any effect. I just wonder what else beyond the demoralization of law enforcement accounts  for a 15 percent increase in year on year violent crimes - are we really, suddenly morphing into a nation of low-life criminals and scoff-laws?

But I look on the bright side, towards a real Christmas about a real babe in a real manger, a Christ-Mass devoid of all the sham glitter and bling we are about to be unable to buy because no one is willing to compromise. Thank you for my Christmas gift! Now, if only we could do the same for the Easter Bunny....






All Writings and Images Copyright © Peter Crowson Updated October 2021