

As for me and my house...

Two Hearts; One Choice

Poet, artist, perhaps prophet even - not like the Hebrew prophets of old, more like another voice, speaking words of truth into the wilderness that 21st Century life has become. That there is need for such a voice has become increasingly apparent, with truth disintegrating around us and false news proliferating  until only a fantasy void, equal parts comic and tragic, is left.

Not that it need be my voice speaking, but it had better be someone's. About God: he has written, that the truth is not for the educated or learned, it is for the childlike and innocent, and we come to him that way or not at all. And that he will deal with people according to whether they believe him or not. Basically there are just two kinds of people, according to what is written; the ones who believe God and the ones who do not. And the ones who believe he has called foolish.

Hey, he says you are free to make up your own mind, so that it is OK if you don't believe me. Who am I anyway? A nothing, nobody, just a fool for Him, no question about it. just a fool who wastes his life for nothing....or perhaps not.....




All Writings and Images Copyright © Peter Crowson Updated October 2021